Clayton G. Lane, MD
- Infirmary Medical Clinics
- Infirmary Physician Alliance
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About Clayton
Dr. Clayton Lane is a Sports Medicine and Shoulder Specialist practicing in Mobile, Alabama. Dr. Lane trained at the world-renowned Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. He has published multiple articles on ligament injuries to the knee in peer-reviewed orthopaedic journals and written chapters of orthopaedic textbooks on the shoulder. He was the team doctor for the Mobile Bay Bears baseball team (AA Arizona Diamondbacks) for 12 years.
He is the team doctor for several local high schools in Mobile County. In his new role as the Director of Sports Medicine at Infirmary Health, his goal is to extend the best comprehensive sports medicine care to every athlete in South Alabama. Dr. Lane practiced at Alabama Orthopaedic Clinic for 14 years prior to forming his current group with the five founding partners. See Dr. Lane perform and explain common sports injuries at
Mobile Infirmary,
Gulf Orthopaedics | Springhill,
Gulf Orthopaedics | Hillcrest,
Gulf Orthopaedics | Saraland
- Medical School
Boston University - School of Medicine
Boston, MA
- Internship
Robert Wood Johnson - UMDNJ, general surgery
New Brunswick, NJ
- Residency
Robert Wood Johnson - UMDNJ, orthopaedic surgery
New Brunswick, NJ
- Fellowship
Hospital for Special Surgery, sports medicine and shoulder
New York, NY
Posterior cruciate ligament and posterolateral corner deficiency results in a reverse pivot shift
Author: Petrigliano, F. A., Lane, C. G., Suero, E. M., Allen, A. A., & Pearle, A. D.
Publisher: Clinical orthopaedics and related research
As measured via static stability tests, the PCL is the dominant restraint to posterior tibial translation while the posterolateral corner is the dominant restraint to external tibial rotation. However, these uniplanar static
Petrigliano, F. A., Lane, C. G., Suero, E. M., Allen, A. A., & Pearle, A. D. (2012). Posterior cruciate ligament and posterolateral corner deficiency results in a reverse pivot shift. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 470(3), 815–823.
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Lateral compartment translation predicts the grade of pivot shift: a cadaveric and clinical analysis
Author: Bedi, A., Musahl, V., Lane, C., Citak, M., Warren, R. F., & Pearle, A. D.
Publisher: Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA
Bedi, A., Musahl, V., Lane, C., Citak, M., Warren, R. F., & Pearle, A. D. (2010). Lateral compartment translation predicts the grade of pivot shift: a cadaveric and clinical analysis. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA, 18(9), 1269–1276.
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The Pivot Shift
Author: Lane, C. G., Warren, R., & Pearle, A. D.
Publisher: The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Lane, C. G., Warren, R., & Pearle, A. D. (2008). The pivot shift. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 16(12), 679–688.
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Anterior Labral Tears With Posterior Hip Subluxation or Dislocation
Issue #VOLUME 24, ISSUE 6, 2008
Author: Michael K. Shindle, M.D., Bryan T. Kelly, M.D., Clayton G. Lane, M.D., Breehan Kelley, B.A., Russell F. Warren, M.D., and James E. Voos, M.D.
Publisher: The Journal of Arthoscopic and Related Surgery
Chronic pain after hip subluxation or dislocation is common, but the etiology is not always clear. Labral pathology associated with this injury is not well described. A retrospective review was performed and we identified that 13 out of 14 patients had MRI or arthroscopic evidence of an anterior labral tear. As this has not been reported in the literature, anterior labral tears may contribute to posttraumatic pain commonly seen in patients experiencing posterior subluxation or dislocation of the hip.
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In vivo analysis of the pivot shift phenomenon during computer navigated ACL reconstruction
Author: Lane, C. G., Warren, R. F., Stanford, F. C., Kendoff, D., & Pearle, A. D.
Publisher: Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA
Lane, C. G., Warren, R. F., Stanford, F. C., Kendoff, D., & Pearle, A. D. (2008). In vivo analysis of the pivot shift phenomenon during computer navigated ACL reconstruction. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA, 16(5), 487–492.
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Medical Interests
Areas of Interest:
Common conditions treated
- Rotator Cuff Tears
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears
- Meniscus Tears
- Cartilage Injuries
- Shoulder Arthritis
- Labral Tear Shoulder
- Hip Impingement
- SLAP Tears
- Tendon Tears
- Labral Tear of the hip
- Patella dislocations
- Shoulder dislocations
- Clavicle Fractures
- Proximal Humerus Fractures
Common procedures performed
- Arthroscopy elbow, shoulder, knee, and hip
- ACL Recontruction: BTB, hamstring and Quadriceps grafts
- Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair
- Hip Arthroscopy
- Robotic partial knee replacement
- Shoulder Replacement
- Custom Shoulder Replacements with 3D printed guides and implants
- Meniscus Repair
- Cartilage Transplant: OATs and MACI (Vericel)
- Tendon Repair: Quadriceps, patella tendon, pectoralis tendon
- ORIF Fractures
- Labral Repair Hip and Shoulder
- Subchondroplasty
- MCL repair and Reconstruction
Special Clinical Interests:
In November 2021, Dr. Clayton Lane performed Alabama's first Stryker's In-Space shoulder implant at Mobile Infirmary. In-Space is a promising new alternative to reverse shoulder arthroplasty.