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Giving Societies

Infirmary Foundation’s goal is to connect to the community on behalf of Mobile Infirmary and to raise needed funds to expand and enhance the medical programs and services that the hospital offers. Giving Societies have been formed to establish a meaningful way for individuals to invest in Mobile Infirmary and the Infirmary Foundation helping us to achieve our mission, LIFE.

Annual giving can be made in one gift or multiple gifts throughout the year. The Society Giving Level is assigned based on the total gift amounts received during the calendar year. A gift received after December 31 but that is postmarked prior to that date will be credited to the year it was postmarked. Gifts will be directed to the General Fund at Mobile Infirmary or Infirmary Foundation unless otherwise noted at the time the gift is received.

Oak Hill Society
Oak Hill Society membership is reserved for individuals that donate $1,000+ annually to the Infirmary Foundation. Membership can be achieved with a recurring gift of $84 per month.

Leadership Giving Circle
Leadership Giving Circle recognizes individuals that donate $1,500+ annually to the Infirmary Foundation. Membership can be established with a recurring gift of $125 per month.

Benefactor of the Foundation
A Benefactor is an individual who chooses to makes a major gift of $5,000+ annually to the Infirmary Foundation in support of major initiatives at the Mobile Infirmary.

Sustaining Members of the Foundation
Infirmary Foundation appreciates all levels of support for our mission. To encourage all supporters to get involved, we have established Sustaining Membership in the Infirmary Foundation. Sustainers set up a recurring monthly gift to support the Foundation. Monthly giving can start at as little as $10 per month. Sustaining Members whose annual giving exceeds $1,000+ per year will be recognized at the appropriate Society Giving Level listed above.

The Infirmary Foundation invites our community to invest in the future of healthcare by contributing to one of our giving societies. No gift is too small to have an impact. Donors will be recognized in our annual report unless the donor requests to be anonymous. Annual giving statements can be downloaded from the Foundation’s donor portal. They can be mailed or emailed based on the donor’s preference.

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