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Hepatocellular Cancer

Hepatocellular cancer is another and the most common type of liver cancer. Infirmary Cancer Care can help treat patients suffering from hepatocellular cancer with the most advanced and state-of-the-art treatments. With physicians specializing in hepatocellular cancer and a team that is experienced in these types of treatments, you can be assured that you will receive the best hepatocellular cancer treatments possible. To discuss a treatment plan or if you are interested in learning more information contact us today.

Hepatocellular Liver Cancer

Hepatocellular liver cancer is the most common type of liver cancer and occurs when the cells in the liver itself begin growing uncontrollably. Almost 40,000 new cases of this type of liver cancer occur each year.


Since hepatocellular liver cancer starts in the liver itself, it may be more likely that symptoms will arise early. Symptoms of this type of liver cancer include:

  • Jaundice
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Enlarged liver
  • Abdominal pain
  • Itching
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Misplaced fullness

If you have these symptoms, you should seek medical attention.

Risk Factors

Hepatocellular liver cancer has certain risk factors. Individuals with Hepatitis B or C and cirrhosis have a higher risk. About one in six individuals with Hepatitis C will get liver cancer. If you suffer from Hepatitis C you should get frequent screenings for liver cancer. Other factors that raise the risk of liver cancer include inflammation, chemical exposure and chronic liver infections. Unhealthy habits and excessive alcohol consumption will also raise the risk of liver cancer. Another common risk factor in patients is the presence of liver disease. Liver disease is usually defined as simply the malfunction of the liver due to some preexisting condition of infection.

Diagnosis of liver cancer can occur through imaging as well as blood testing. In patients with liver cancer, their alpha-fetoprotein levels are usually raised. This can be tested to determine whether the patient has liver cancer. After cancer has been diagnosed, the doctor will further investigate to determine what stage the cancer is at.

Treatment Options

Treatment options for those with hepatocellular liver cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, liver transplants, ablative therapy and embolization. Each of these treatments has a specific purpose and will be used in different situations. The proper treatment for you will be determined by the nature of the disease and how it has affected the liver so far.

Two common therapies are ablative therapy and embolization therapy. Ablative therapy uses microwave waves to destroy smaller tumors focusing the waves on the tumor itself so that the rest of the liver remains. Embolization therapy finds and cuts off the blood vessels that are supplying blood to the tumor. Since the blood vessels supplying the tumor are almost always different from those supplying the rest of the liver, this has become an effective treatment.

Liver transplants are used in serious cases to replace the diseased liver with a healthy one. This procedure is more dangerous and is usually used only as a last resort. Your doctor and treatment team will carefully discuss these treatments with you so that you can determine which treatment is right for you.

Learn More About Hepatocellular Liver Cancer Treatments

Infirmary Cancer Care can provide the highest quality liver cancer treatments. If you suffer from hepatocellular liver cancer, we can help you get the treatment you need when you need it. With an entire team that will walk you through the treatment process, fighting your liver cancer can start today.

Call (251) 435-2273 for help or more information about our liver cancer treatments.