Life After Cancer

I’m in Remission. What Can I Expect Now?

Remission means your doctor has said you are cancer free or have “no evidence of disease.” It is crucial that you still get routine follow-up care. Regular visits for physical exams, blood studies and imaging are important for keeping tabs on your health.

How Do I Cope With the Long-Term Side Effects From Treatment?

If you experience side effects of treatment after you are in remission or cancer-free, you are not alone. Depending on the treatment you have had, it can be normal for side-effects to linger after your cancer treatment ends. Sometimes, the side-effects include emotional and social issues. Speak with your cancer care team about any side-effects that are affecting you so that you can get the help you need.

Where Can I Find Support?

Cancer is both physically and emotionally trying for not only those with the disease but their loved ones as well. Local and online support groups, social workers, counselors, and clergy can be helpful during your journey.

Will I Recover?

The outlook for patients varies from person to person. Long-term survival depends on the stage of your cancer at the time of diagnosis and how your cancer and body respond to treatment.