Family Medical of Mobile | West

  • Category: Medical Clinic

About This Location

Family Medical of Mobile is Infirmary Health’s premier family medicine practice in the Mobile area. With two locations and four different physicians with different specializations, our goal is to help you and your family stay health and thrive. With specialists in internal medicine, pediatrics and family practice, we are dedicated to providing you compassionate treatment that betters your LIFE while treating you with the respect and integrity that has marked Infirmary Health’s medical services for over 110 years. If you, a family member or a child needs medical care or has questions as to your medical health, we are here to assist you.

Contact us today to see how we can help better your life.

What Is Family Practice?

Family medicine doctors act as all-service care providers providing treatment for a wide variety of physical diseases and ailments as well as education to the community as to proper health and wellness techniques and lifestyle habits. Thus, family doctors work closely with individuals and families to ensure that they are living the healthiest lives possible.

Family medicine physicians usually conduct yearly physical tests and provide basic healthcare checkups and treatments to families. These can include treatments for infections, bruises, common colds and flu, as well as muscle injuries and diagnosing more serious conditions with organs or bodily functions. As such, family doctors are trained to conduct basic diagnostic testing and perform procedures such as colonoscopies, ultrasounds, and endoscopies. Family medicine doctors also provide vaccinations and information about different treatments and functions. If they are unable to treat a condition, the family doctors will work with the patient to refer them to a specialist who can help. The health education family doctors provide to patients can range from healthy lifestyle habits to maternal health, to work health. The goal is to seek to tailor their advice to the patients’ needs and healthcare history. Patients visiting their local family medicine doctors can expect quality general healthcare services to meet a variety of their healthcare needs.

Our two clinics are available for all general family medical matters. However, if you are suffering from an emergency or need immediate medical assistance, call 911 immediately.

Contact Us Today

Infirmary Health’s Family Medical of Mobile practice is designed to ensure that all your family’s general medical needs are met. From education in proper hygiene and personal health to treatment of all general diseases and disorders, our physicians are ready to assist you and your family in living healthy and happy lives. If you or a family member needs medical care, call us today to schedule an appointment or to let us answer any questions you may have. Let us help you and your family preserve your LIFE.

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