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Birth Services

Infirmary Health’s labor and delivery and nursery departments provide pregnancy, childbirth and after birth care to mothers across Mobile and Baldwin Counties. Our family-centered birthing model focuses on the comfort and health of the mother and child. Our award-winning birth centers can provide you maternal care close to home.

Learn more about our Birth Centers

Obstetrics Overview

Obstetrics is the study of pregnancy, delivering babies and postpartum care. Obstetricians are specialists that provide comprehensive medical care to women throughout their entire pregnancy experience from prenatal to birthing to postpartum.

Prenatal Care

The prenatal care your obstetrician will provide includes screenings of your baby in the womb to ensure proper prenatal development and monitoring prenatal and maternal health.

The Birthing Process

After guiding you through the prenatal process, your obstetrician will also deliver your baby. Working together with a delivery team, your obstetrician will guide you through delivery and ensure your baby is healthy and cared for as they are born. Our obstetricians will work with a team of advanced practice providers and nurses to ensure a smooth birthing process no matter when you deliver.

Check out our Labor & Delivery Brochure here.

Postpartum Care

Obstetricians are also responsible for handling new mother’s postpartum care. The purpose of postpartum care is to ensure that the mother and child both remain healthy and that the mother is supported in providing proper care to her new baby. This can include educational courses for the new mother, lifestyle counseling and regular checkups for the mother and newborn to ensure the newborn is properly developing and the mother is healing from giving birth.

Check out our blog, Bump & Beyond!

Education & Support Groups

Our education classes ensure that expecting mothers have the knowledge they need to care for their newborns and feel empowered.

In-Person Classes

  • Childbirth Education
  • Newborn Care & Infant Safety
  • Breastfeeding
  • Sibling Celebration
  • Baby Bistro - Lactation Support Group

Visit our events page to find an upcoming class near you.


Moms-In-Training is a medically based and health fitness program for expecting and new mothers. This complimentary program provides a fitness membership during pregnancy and for three months after delivery to women who plan to deliver at Mobile Infirmary, Thomas Hospital or North Baldwin Infirmary. A physician’s release is required. Find a fitness center near you.

Mothers' Milk Depot

Infirmary Health is proud to support and be supported by the Mothers' Milk Bank of Alabama. This program provides those mothers who cannot breast feed the ability to use donors' milk. The quality of this milk is assured as donations are accepted only from healthy women and then the milk is pasteurized and frozen unitl use. Donors undergo an extensive screening process including analysis of medical history and blood screenings for major diseases.

Infirmary Health's Donation Depot is located at Women's Health Alliance of Mobile and is open to approved donors Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. In order to become a volunteer donor, women will take part in Mothers' Milk Bank of Alabama's stringent screening process to ensure the quality and safety of the milk. Learn more at

Perinatal and Neonatal Bereavement

Infirmary Health is partnered with Rachel's Gift, Inc. to provide supportive follow-up care, support group access and other resources for families experiencing the loss of an infant. Visit their website to learn more.

Safe Sleep

Infirmary Health's birth centers are committed to reducing infant, sleep-related deaths by promoting and educating on best safe sleep practices.

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control), there are around 3,500 sleep related deaths among babies in the United States each year. Safe sleep practices are designed to reduce the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), accidental suffocation, and other deaths related to unsafe sleep practices. Thanks to safe sleep practices, sleep related deaths like SIDS are on the decline, however, it is important that all health providers and parents know how to create a safe sleep environment.

The American Academy of Pediatrics created this acronym to help parents quickly recall safe sleep recommendations. The ABC’s of safe sleep are:

A – Baby should always sleep ALONE

B – Baby should sleep on their BACK

C – Baby should sleep in a CRIB

For more information:
Cribs for Kids
Parents and Caregivers - SIDS | CDC

Click here to learn more about why safe sleep matters.

North Baldwin Infirmary has been honored a "Best Hospital" for obstetrics by the Women's Choice Awards. Learn more about Infirmary Health's Women's Choice Awards.

North Baldwin Infirmary Baby-Friend Designation

North Baldwin Infirmary is proud to be the only Baby-Friendly designation hospital in the region. Learn more about Baby Friendly by visiting their website.

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